The nice thing about it is that homes with a forest view need not be expensive affairs perched on top of a high hill. Often these homes in the woods have tranquil backyards that are like a wooded park. Sometimes out front its just a neighborhood in suburbia.
What do you think of that snowy street scene? Were about to get real hot-n-toasty round these parts so I thought a refreshing winter scene was in order. Sometimes living in an area with lots of mature trees can provide that classic natural setting to sit in. This may not represent a spectacular river or mountain view but it can be equally rewarding. You can also take walks in the neighborhood relaxing under a canopy of trees to shade you from the heat or repel a light rain shower.
Another opportunity for a view on a budget might be the garden view. Many homeowners have created lush gardens in their backyards. Sitting on a patio and looking at gorgeous hostas and ferns amid evergreen trees can be just a delicious as that sweeping view of a valley below. For the person like me that has no patience for gardening, there is always the lot that backs to open space woodlands. There is no shortage of such homes here in Clark County. So much wonderful scenery here in Southwest Washington, just soak it up and enjoy the view.