1 bed 1 bath houseboat $85k RMLS photo |
Psychologically water makes us happy. That in a nutshell is the answer to the title query. People will pay a massive premium for a property with a good view of a lake, river, ocean, etc. Psychologists have written volumes about the calming effects of water, the soothing sound of the ocean, the tranquility offered by waterfront property or those high above with such views is so powerful to the human condition that people on average will pay more than 100% more money for a property with a waterfront location versus the same property without. This according to widely published real estate data.
Columbia River waterfront estate, $4.2 million RMLS photo |
Right here in Clark County we can see the difference in price between homes and condos "on the water" and those a few blocks away. Even a 'peek-a-boo' view of the river or a lake can add substantial value to a property. We have a great many waterfront locations in Clark County. The Lewis River, East Fork of the Lewis River, Columbia River, Lake River, Washougal River, Little Washougal River, Vancouver Lake, Lacamas Lake, Salmon Creek, Burnt Bridge Creek, etc.
The Columbia River and Vancouver Lake are both large enough to have a big impact on the view from a nearby home. The Columbia River is more than mile wide in several locations around Vancouver and Vancouver Lake is more than two miles wide.
If all the PhDs are right, then we have a great many ways to be happy. From inexpensive house boats to crazy money on the Columbia waterfront along with everything in between. What ever you do, be sure to enjoy the view!